Friday, 4 September 2015

Welcome to the Wine Bar 04.09.2015

I once told someone that Karen Walker is my spirit animal...I stand by that statement.

Another week, done & dusted. Another week where I think about my to-do list and realise I really didn't check off as many items as I had planned...and then I shrug, sip my wine, and say THAT'S NEXT WEEK ME'S PROBLEM.

To be honest babes, it was a pretty "meh" week. I've been a bit blue...for no particular reason, really, which is frustrating B to no end, because he much prefers to have something to "solve" and there's no problem that needs fixing, I just felt like shit!

We at least had a beautiful day trip up to the Northern Beaches last weekend, which gave me something to smile about as I flicked through our photos. Liv still doesn't seem to know what to make of this whole "sand" which I say, "You're a Sydney girl sweetheart. You better get used to sand." Although, I guess I could go all inner city hipster mama with it..."Beach? Pshaw. My baby prefers to spend her summers in underground jazz bars you've never heard of. We might be Vitamin D deficient but we have a great appreciation of Coltrane." Anyway. We'll see.

I can draw two conclusions from my photos:
2. My daughter is just the cutest. Case closed.

One thing I DID manage to do this week is set up Disqus on the blog, so it should (fingers crossed at least) be easier for you to comment now - I know the Blogger set up can be a bitch for comments.

So, how was your week? Cheerier than mine, I hope? If not, I feel you. In the immortal words of Jack McFarland (jeez, this is a Will & Grace heavy post) I've got eyes to see, ears to listen, and a head to nod knowingly.

Go ahead caller, you're on the air.

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