Thursday 18 June 2015

Welcome To The Wine Bar 19.06.2015

Friday, Friday, gotta drink wine on Friday...

Hello friends! How have you been?

My household has been a pretty miserable one this week, after Liv picked up a nasty cold at playgroup and then passed it on to B and me. Such a considerate baby, sharing her germs. She came out it of far better than us though, I haven't been that sick in a long time.

Which is why it's been a bit quiet around here this week, I've tried to start a few posts but my head hasn't been up to staring at a screen and stringing comprehensible sentences together.

Although it hasn't been a total write-off of a week: I managed to secure an Australia's Next Top Model mentor for my employ...

Which reminds me, are you following me on Twitter - @mamamedia_au - yet? If not, rectify that immediately. Here's the link! I mean, if Dirty Laundry Live thinks I'm funny enough to appear onscreen TWICE last night...

Currently updating my CV to show "As seen on TV with Joel Creasey and Brooke Satchwell"

Anyway, enough of my Twitter related boastings, how was your week? Dish dish dish.

Oh, and hello to any of you Irish lovelies who were popping up in my audience stats this past week! I don't know if I've ever met one of your countrymen and not found them absolutely delightful. FUN FACT: I wanted to be an Irish dancer when I was a little girl. I thought it was the coolest thing EVER.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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