Our married couples are now settling into domestic bliss, as seen at Zoe & Alex's, where they are discussing household duties. Alex explains his underwear theory: the more you buy, the less you need to do laundry. GENIUS. I actually love doing laundry, it's my favourite chore...which is a good thing when you have a baby, because it never. ever. ends. Anyway, Zoe agrees to take the first load, although she acknowledges that Alex's turn will most probably never come, because that's just how men work.
"So...this is marriage, eh?"
Over to Roni & Mick's now, where the awkward tension is palpable. I have concerns about these two. Things aren't looking good. Roni expresses her fear that she likes Michael more than he likes her and whilst I don't know whether or not that's true, he definitely seems to have reservations.
After last weeks confrontation, Zoe is making an effort to learn about Alex's life and has showed up to his work site...in heels. But hey! She's trying! After taking a stroll around the site, Zoe remarks that seeing Alex operating machinery is "sexy." Later on at dinner, they discuss how often they think couples should have sex. Zoe believes a healthy amount is 4-5 times a week, taking Alex by surprise. His response? "I didn't know I was married to a hornbag!" Zoe retorts "I didn't realise I was married to an old man!" Touche. I really like these two together, they seem to have turned a corner this week.
Michael has left Roni at home for the night while he goes out with the boys. His main concern seems to be that there's no distance between him & Roni for the heart to grow fonder. He adds that whilst he's committing to the process, he doesn't know if there's a spark between them. Uh oh. Can I just say though - Roni, if you & Mick don't work out, you can come to my place and we'll iron & drink wine together.
My idea of a fun night, right here.
Now that the experiment has hit the halfway point, it's time for the four couples to meet at a dinner party. I'm sorry, but all I can think of when I hear the phrase "dinner party" is Cheryl from Archer...I hope there's some Archer fans here...

"Ooooohhh, elegant dinner partyyyyy!"
The couples seem like they're looking forward to meeting each other and getting the chance to compare their relationships, although a very snuggly Alex & Zoe admit that they're hoping to stir the pot...a prescient little bit of story telling, perhaps?
"We're going to make them cry." Oh Alex, you have no idea...
Roni & Michael are picking up the booze for the party. After selecting a case of beer, 3 bottles of red and 3 bottles of white, she questions whether she has enough. For a dinner for eight. I'm liking this woman more and more. I want to go to her dinner parties. GET IN THE GAME MIKE SHE'S A KEEPER.
We learn that psychologists John & Sabina are playing peeping Toms at this party, in order to analyse the connections forming between our husbands & wives. John notes that he will be looking for three key things:
1. How they communicate to each other and about each other to the group;
2. Any physical affection; and
3. How they side with each other, particularly if there are any disagreeements between the couples. Again, prescient.
"I hope Clare and I have the deepest connection, the deepest love." FIRST L BOMB OF THE SEASON GOES TO LACHLAN.
All four couples have now arrived at the ELEGANT DINNER PARTYYY (seriously, please Youtube that Archer reference so you know what I'm talking about) and are getting to know each other. Just as John says that he would be concerned if a partner were to make sarcastic or teasing remarks about their spouse to the group - SUCH a coincidence - Mick starts making cracks about Roni's cooking and her being a "lady of leisure". Mmm. Not a super strong move dude.
As Clare & Lachlan prepare dinner together, the other three couples swap stories from their wedding days. Alex tells of his first kiss dilemma: "Do I go French, or major French?" This show asks the important questions of our time.
And speaking of major French...
Back in the dining room and Roni has been left alone with the snugglers, Alex & Zoe. After they regale her with tales of their koala cuddles (which, don't get me wrong - adorable), they ask her how she's going with Michael and basically destroy any sense of security she had in her relationship. You can practically see it in her eyes: WHY DOESN'T HE LOVE ME LIKE THAT.
Dinner is now served and the polite conversation continues. But as is so often the case, the most innocuous seeming comment can completely blow shit up. Whilst talking about their wedding day nerves, Zoe remarks that she thinks that nerves are a good sign, as it means that you're invested. Well, didn't that get under Roni's skin. Here she is attempting not to rip Zoe's hair out...
"Bitch, what?"
Conversation then turns to annoying habits, and when Zoe expresses disbelief that James & Michelle can't find anything annoying about each other, it seems to be one generalisation too far for poor Roni and she snaps.
Meanwhile, James and Michelle are wishing they were ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD RIGHT NOW.
Unfortunately, no one seems to side with her...not even Michael, who tells her repeatedly that she's mistaken and to just relax. Methinks someone needs to give Mike a copy of the Husband Handbook. ALWAYS SIDE WITH THE MRS. Roni retreats to the powder room for a quick cry and confessional (A highlight: "I'm really proud...of me.")
The men and women now separate for more "intimate" conversations. After Mick distances himself from Roni's outburst, the topic turns to matters of the bedroom. OOOOH! Alex announces that they had sex on the second night and Zoe admits to the girls that "it's good...yeah...it's really good." Michelle says that she's not the type to kiss & tell, but that "what we have is amazing and I didn't prepare myself for how good things were going to be." As Psych Sabina notes, "for someone that doesn't kiss and tell, she's told."
"Hahaha, SEX"
Clare dances around the topic, saying coyly "let's just say that the bed is not cold on a winter's night." Lachlan isn't as backwards in going forwards, it seems, when he remarks "I can't believe you didn't consummate the marriage on the first night." Roni & Michael, as expected, are less forthcoming. Mick refuses to discuss the subject, out of respect for Roni and "her situation" which, I assume, is in reference to her ex-husband. Roni admits that she's struggling that they are taking so much time to "build their intimacy."
Back in the hotel room afterwards, Roni & Mick debrief (not in the underwear sense...) and she tells him she was disappointed that he didn't stick up for her in front of the group. Michael maintains that she shouldn't have blown up. Roni's response? "It doesn't matter, I'm your wife!" You can't argue with that Mick!
Our couples are now back to the realities of married life. Clare & Lachlan are still having issues with their living arrangements, namely that Lachlan is having to run a cattle farm remotely from Clovelly, because when it comes to visiting the farm, Clare is like "yeahhh, nope." My thinking is that Clare has been single for so long that she has filled her spare time with so many hobbies and activities, and now she doesn't know how to dial it back. And don't get me wrong, it is absolutely fine to have hobbies separate from your spouse - healthy, in fact - but there needs to be compromise.
After simmering below the surface, it all explodes after Lachlan misses his nephew's birthday in order to help paint at Clare's theatre. Here is my issue: Apparently, Lachlan's farm is in Cawdor. For those of you outside of NSW, Cawdor is just past Campbelltown, in Sydney's south-west. It's about an hour's drive away. So, if that is in fact where the farm is located, then technically, Clare could be commuting. It would be a longer trip than from the Eastern Suburbs, no doubt...but it's totally doable.
Unfortunately, the argument doesn't end well, with Lachlan struggling to keep Clare's temper in check, and Clare struggling to keep sight of what they're really fighting about. Lachlan is merely pointing out that you have spent only one day at the farm. That is not judgement, but simply a black and white fact, darling. He is not implying, as you hollered at him, that you "aren't committed to [him] at all."
Our beleaguered farmer drives off into the night, explaining that they need to "take a breather." Go and breathe in some of that crisp Cawdor air buddy. Godspeed.
NEXT TIME: It looks like it all becomes too much for one of our couples, with all signs pointing to Splitsville. My bet is Roni & Michael, although the editors would definitely like you to think it's Clare & Lachy. We shall see!
Married At First Sight airs 8:40 Monday night on Channel Nine. Catch up on past recaps here:
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Such a loving look of total exasperation slash too much vino.
Our couples are now back to the realities of married life. Clare & Lachlan are still having issues with their living arrangements, namely that Lachlan is having to run a cattle farm remotely from Clovelly, because when it comes to visiting the farm, Clare is like "yeahhh, nope." My thinking is that Clare has been single for so long that she has filled her spare time with so many hobbies and activities, and now she doesn't know how to dial it back. And don't get me wrong, it is absolutely fine to have hobbies separate from your spouse - healthy, in fact - but there needs to be compromise.
After simmering below the surface, it all explodes after Lachlan misses his nephew's birthday in order to help paint at Clare's theatre. Here is my issue: Apparently, Lachlan's farm is in Cawdor. For those of you outside of NSW, Cawdor is just past Campbelltown, in Sydney's south-west. It's about an hour's drive away. So, if that is in fact where the farm is located, then technically, Clare could be commuting. It would be a longer trip than from the Eastern Suburbs, no doubt...but it's totally doable.
"Woah, woah, woah...you want me to catch a train?"
Unfortunately, the argument doesn't end well, with Lachlan struggling to keep Clare's temper in check, and Clare struggling to keep sight of what they're really fighting about. Lachlan is merely pointing out that you have spent only one day at the farm. That is not judgement, but simply a black and white fact, darling. He is not implying, as you hollered at him, that you "aren't committed to [him] at all."
Our beleaguered farmer drives off into the night, explaining that they need to "take a breather." Go and breathe in some of that crisp Cawdor air buddy. Godspeed.
NEXT TIME: It looks like it all becomes too much for one of our couples, with all signs pointing to Splitsville. My bet is Roni & Michael, although the editors would definitely like you to think it's Clare & Lachy. We shall see!
Married At First Sight airs 8:40 Monday night on Channel Nine. Catch up on past recaps here:
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
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