Thursday 9 April 2015

Out From Under


I know it's been a while - it's been a busy couple of weeks at the mamamedia homestead. Husband sick, baby teething, mama not sleeping. Fun all round! (READ: I want to drown myself in a bathtub of merlot.)

Anyway, I'm hoping to have a few more posts up soon...and no, not just my Real Housewives recaps, but they were pretty much all I was up to writing of late. 
So, what do you have to look forward to, you ask?

!!! Logies predictions!!! Get your bookie on speed dial, you know my picks are SOLID.

!!! A treatise on the televisual delight that is Gogglebox!!!

!!! A love letter to Taylor Swift that has been floating around in my Draft folder for months that I am DETERMINED to finish!!!

!!! ...and Real Housewives recaps. You guys, I've got, like, 3 episodes on my DVR to watch & post on. They're calling out to me!!!

...And, y'know, whatever else I feel like rambling on about. It feels good to be back.

Strap yourselves in!

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