Thursday, 9 April 2015

Highlights from Episode 5 of Real Housewives of Melbourne

Better late than never, amirite?

:: TeensyBlossom is back and dropping a cool $8k on a suit for son Nathan. They seem very close, which is sweet, but she does love drawing attention to his "strapping" physique and "cute" butt. 

:: "Don't love me to bits because of this. Love me to bits because I'm awesome." - OK, I will give her props for this. She seems to have a great attitude towards her money and her children. Out of respect, one mother to another, I'll use her proper name for this recap. You win this round Pettifleur. 

:: Gamble fangirls over Gina at a Fashion Aid event, emcee'd by the fabulous Em Rusciano. Gina auctions off a dress and Gamble brings up the Janet drama again. Yawn. 

:: Jackie escorts Janet to a "Cougar Night" of speed dating. Janet has come prepared with a list of questions. That is so cute. Meanwhile, Jackie stands on the side offering her psychic commentary and rambling on about whipping...something or other. 

:: "I think that what he's saying is I'll give you 15 minute orgasms in return for the fact that you pay for a very nice life for me...but I can probably do that myself." - Janet is a BOSS. 

:: Jackie & Ben have a meeting with Giant Model Management to find the new face of La Mascara. The look that Jackie's going for? "Someone that's shining on the inside as well as out!" The look on the scouts faces? "Oh God, what have we gotten ourselves into."

:: Jackie's psychic vibes from the headshots are just amazing: "She's a bitch." "She plays guitar." "She has five children." Just stellar. 

:: And now, to Bruce & Chyka's "chefs dinner" at The Big Group HQ. Gina was clearly enjoying the test tube soup...

:: The conversation soon turns to Lydia's sons recent wedding in Florence and she tears up talking about how her son is her child with two souls, after the loss of her firstborn. It's a really touching moment, and I think it's really great to see a woman publicly discussing her experience with infant loss, especially since so many women suffer silently. So thank you, Lydia. 

:: "Nah, none of that shit, they can all just piss off 'cause I said so." - Gina has no time for the spirits in her new house, nor Jackie's advice to smudge. 

:: Oh God, all this Barbie bullshit is so tedious. Yes, she called you nouveau-riche. Yes, she meant it in a derogatory manner. Yes, she's probably a bit of a dimwit. Can we move on please? I think Lydia said it best...

:: "It's just like the song: I ain't sayin' she's a gold digger, but she ain't hangin' with no broke...dudes...either." - Janet being both gangsta AND politically correct. 

NEXT TIME: The girls take a trip to Sydney and we meet Gamble's sister Tempest, who has some choice words for Janet. Set in my old stomping ground, the beautiful harbourside district of The Rocks. 

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