8:49: Oh no, they're making them dance. That always ends well.
* baby cried, missed a bit *
9:00: Recapping scandals with ex HMs, saw Cat & Lawson shoot each other a look. This should be good.
9:04: No groundbreaking revelations there. Aish loves Trav, Jason's a fence sitter, and Cat won't admit that Lawson's best trick is Hide the Sausage.
9:06: CONFLICTS. Katie & Lisa commentating; again, no real shockers.
9:12: Recapping first 4 weeks - ahh, so many people. Money, kissing, kissing, strategy, dogs, strategy.
9:16: These ex HM chats just show how little some of these people contributed to the narrative. "Marina! You can talk about....uhhh...Big Brother himself! Yeah that'll do." My bet is they'll have Dave & Priya discuss strategies.
9:18: Sonia putting Lawson on the spot re: Cat. Good one Krugs.
9:21: Oh Krugs is on fire - picking up on Jake & Lisa's relationship now.
9:24: Leo votes for Travis to win, I really wish they'd shown us Skye's reaction to that.
9:25: BB FINALE DRINKING GAME: Every time the camera turns to Skye and she fixes her hair, drink!
9:26: If you only watched the highlight package of her time in the house, Skye would seem like a lovely, sweet girl. Pity about the rest of the show.
9:31: Recap of next 4 weeks. Clawson, Clawson, fight, tears, fight, evictions, Marina, tears.
9:36: News update for the finalists. My favourite part of the finale!
9:37: Skye: "I don't watch the news!" Ryan: "You can hardly tell!" RYAN TO WIN.
9:47: Recap weeks 9-10. Clawson, Travis, neighbors, sanctuary, Leo, tears, How To.
9:56: Loved ones waiting at the door for the third place getter. Ryan's parents are adorable.
9:58: Skye's sister is going to tell her she's put on weight. That's sibling love for you.
10:07: It's time to go...SKYE!!! Finally, Australia's done the right thing.
10:08: Ryan & Travis: last pair in, last pair out. A very fitting final two.
10:14: Skye trips on the stairs into the auditorium - I've been waiting all season for someone to slip on that shiny floor.
10:26: Big Brother tribute package - some of these HMs really can't deliver lines comfortably. Katie on the other hand, could make a really good weather girl. This definitely feels like a farewell to BB - for good. Worried that it's not coming back next year.
10:28: Winner announcement imminent. As Trav would say - MASSIV.
10:29: And the winner of Big Brother is...
10:30: ...RYAN!
* and at this point my daughter decided to soil her clothes & needed a bath. I returned to Trav's highlights package *
10:53: Ryan's out on stage now, and in shock by the looks of it.
10:58: Highlights package done & dusted - a great HM all round in my opinion.
11:00 "It's time to go...and have a baby!" We're out.
All in all, I'm happy with how the season turned out. I would've liked for Dave to make it a bit further, but what can you do.
And after all the speculation, it turns out that fears for the demise of BB may be premature - Sonia put out a casting call as the credits rolled. So we can do this all again next year!