Friday, 19 September 2014

Starting Over, Yet Again...

Why another attempt at blogging, Jessica?

I guess I had the idea the other day when I found myself balancing a magazine on top of my baby...who I happened to be breastfeeding at the time.

[This is where I had written a lot of flowery introduction bullshit, but then I read it back & thought "ugh, you loser, DELETED"]

I'm just a new mum, who is becoming increasingly aware of the unread magazines piling up in her lounge room. Who can't remember the last time she sat down with a cup of tea & read the Sunday papers. Who occasionally hides in the bathroom to check her twitter feed.

In short - I miss my pre-baby "me time" and am trying to snatch little bits of it back where I can. (The other day, this involved me reading Vogue through the glass whilst showering. I kind of wish that weren't true.)

Also, I don't get out of the house much. There's only so much dissection of the September issues my husband can take. My three month old daughter isn't offering up much in the way of conversation either. So, I can just ramble on here instead of boring them.

Does that answer the question?

...probably not, but eh, I'm sleep deprived. 'Til next time!

...oh, and yes, that title is a Sex and the City reference. Well spotted.

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